For connection to the internet:
Enable the hotspot feature on your smartphone, noting the password for it. Then connect your Kindle Fire by wifi to the hotspot and enter the password.
spare power - in the absence of a plug socket you can buy a portable charger - you charge it up at home, then take it with you to plug your kindle into if eeded. Amazon sell them.
I'm sure you can use a dongle, but as the fire only has 1 port, you wouldnt be able to do both at once
Bednobs - thanks. I will get the powerbank thingy.
Sending healing thoughts.
Chris, I didn't understand any of the last paragraph. I'm tired so will read it again in the morning.
I'm getting worried about my first appointment with the Neurologist and its still a week away. If I can take the Kindle it might keep me calm on the day.
try ot to worry, in my experince nothing is ever as bad as you imagine its going to be. Chrises last para is suggestindg that if you have a smart phone with a data allowance, you can use that data on your kindle (and therefore access the internet) via that. However, all of the hospitals round here have wifi, so if your hospital does, you could connect to that instead of using either a dongle or smartphone