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Why Are Some People So Selfish?

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Arrods | 07:23 Mon 02nd Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
42 Answers
BIL owns a gravel driveway in respect of which 4 other residents have rights to access their own properties. Under the rollout of the fibre network, he has been asked for permission for ducting to be installed under the driveway to provide the new superfast broadband service to the properties, including his own. He is refusing on the grounds that he's not interested in having internet access - despite the fact that, being a gravel drive, there will be no visible signs of excavation when the work is complete. Instead he has suggested the excavations bypass the drive and are re-routed through all the other properties' cultivated gardens.

He admits he is a selfish person. Perhaps my question is rhetorical?


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He sounds horrible. I wouldn't want him for a neighbour.
08:56 Mon 02nd Mar 2020
seems a bit pig headed, why should it go through peoples gardens, i wouldn't be happy about that
Can they not use "mole-like" devices to go under gardens (or drives) without excavating in between ?
Oh, and human nature varies, it's a strength and a weakness, but variations ensure both very selfish and very unselfish individuals exist.
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Don't think that's an option OG. No, I think he's just a selfish, sad, person. OH and her siblings have a legal interest in the property and have been 'told' in no uncertain terms not to sign the access agreement. He has previous I am afraid. He's just not bothered about offending people.

It will be interesting to see how this pans out, when the other residents find out about his attitude.
You call him selfish and sad,I totally agree with him,some of you see the finished job some of these cable layers leave,no good luck to him I say.

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I've seen the contractors' work in a neighbouring road jordyboy9 and it's perfectly acceptable even when under tarmac. This is an unmade drive covered in shingle. It's a non-problem - except to this sad, selfish, person.
There is good and bad workmanship,
I have seen both,and believe me it's not a pretty site when you get the bad.
Perhaps this ineffective individual should apply for a job as a Traffic Warden or a Litter Spotter where he can show some real authority. He clearly feels very inferior and needs to exercise the tiny amount of authority he has.
I do find people like your BIL like to have some * power* and are often quite sad people .
i sort of agree with jordy - if the workmanship is good and the others want it, they can have the associated inconvenience
^ err me too ...
If I were the neighbours I would see if there is any legal redress to this.

I think he is being very selfish and that is just the way some people are.

But ask him is this the house he intends to be taken out of 8n a box? Is it his last home before he pegs it? If it is then he has nothing to worry about.

If not then come the day he wants to sell up he may find a dispute with neighbours could be problematic. Or if he hasn’t got fibre optics in an area that has, then he might regret being selfish.

If he is as selfish as he seems to revel in then perhaps someone needs to appeal to his selfish nature.
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Yes Anne. A neighbour left a rubbish bag on 'his' drive, ready for collection. He simply threw it back, the contents spilling out over the neighbour's garden. There have been numerous examples of his attitude. His selfishness just winds me up, even though I have little to do with him. I really should let it go!
He sounds horrible. I wouldn't want him for a neighbour.
You should arrods. Some people are just plain miserable and unkind. He needs to find God . :-) , lol .
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Joint best answer goes to Anne!
finding god does not prevent you from being - miserable and unkind - just look at some of the posters on here!
No one needs God to make them a good neighbour. Contrary to popular myth altruism isn't the sole preserve of the religious... far from it.

Thanks for BA.
Calm down Naomi.......... . It was a joke !!!!
Does he realise he'd get a hefty payment from Open Reach as Compensation? We have a similar driveway, though its a farm track we own, and a neighbour needed to dig up over the track to get to the electric pole. It was literally a few feet straight across and we got £600 off Open Reach and you can't even see now where they've been.

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