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Track And Trace Plan

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Barsel | 11:13 Thu 21st May 2020 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
Could somebody tell me, do you have to have a smart phone to be able to partake in this?
I don't have a smart phone and a lot of my elderly neighbours don't either. This is because a lot of us oldies can't figure out how to use them.So, does this mean this plan would be of no use to us, does the Government think that everybody in the country has a smart phone, the internet and all the other gadgets you seem to need these days.I live on a complex of 14 bungalows for the elderly and I would say more than half don't have the internet.


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this will also be an issue (for non-smart-phone-users) if (as expected) supermarkets adopt a "virtual queue" system as is being trialled in a number of places; ie, drive in, log in online and stay in your car until called.
>does the Government think that everybody in the country has a smart phone, the internet and all the other gadgets you seem to need these days.

No. "Epidemiologists suggest that for the UK as a whole, about 60% of the population needs to install and use the software for it to live up to its full potential." They are getting towards that in the Isle of Wight pilot. Australia and Singapore managed around 20-25%
There are track and trace people who have been appointed who will contact all those who have been in contact with those with the virus
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ff how will these track and trace people know who to contact, how will they know who has been in contact with those who have the virus?
I have no smart phone, I have no mobile phone. I don’t want either.
I don't have a smart phone either.
your Bluetooth has to be on permanent if you use this app, its not for me, it will never work and i dont believe all the gov *** either
not a lot of explanation there, marval.

Maybe every time you pass someone in the street you need to ask their name, then at the end of each day you mail them all to Matt Hancock.

Could work.
They don't expect to find every case. But if say 50% have the app it can quickly clamp down on the spread by tracing and getting them to self isolate. If you/we don't want the app then that's your/our choice
I have had the NHS app on for over a week it runs in the back ground quite happily and battery usage has not changed at all.
Perhaps the government will buy a few million phones from Huawei so the Chinese can track us as well...
I don't have a smart phone, never felt the need for one. But as I haven't been out except for a walk since before lockdown I don't see why I should need one.
As was said right from the beginning it will be in addition to traditional shoe leather tracing. I also think that what has been said about the app is that 60% of smart phone users will need to adopt it for it to be useful, not 60% of the population. I think it will be of most use in that sector of the population who has many contacts in many places, so more likely those who are at work.
I do have a smart phone, but have limited storage space!! I have trouble downloading extra apps!
Its a small app...if you want it, you could delete something else.
Unfortunately, the UK Government App will be next to useless.
The App has to be always on which means that it will quickly kill the battery in most phones, so people won’t use it.
I trialed the Swiss and the Arab Emirates apps to see how they would work on my phone, and the battery hit was severe.

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