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B T Help Needed

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wrayperson | 14:45 Sat 06th Jun 2020 | Technology
3 Answers
I can log into my BT account on my Samsung tablet..when I try to on my Acer laptop I get the following message.
This page is'nt working. did'nt send any data.
please can anyone help with this problem?


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Clearing your browser's cache might well fix the problem. The instructions for doing so vary between different browsers but, since 'ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE' is a well-known error message with Chrome, I'll assume that's what you're using:

Alternatively try a different browser. (Any Windows laptop will have Internet Explorer pre-installed on it. A Windows 10 machine will also have edge, so you don't need to install anything new just to try another browser).
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thanks Buenchico I've tried the link, clearing browsing history ,but unfortunately it has'nt worked.. any other ideas?
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different browser does'nt work..can open B T on Samsung tablet though.

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