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SD Digital Memory Cards

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Banjoman | 17:53 Mon 28th Nov 2005 | Technology
3 Answers
Can someone please explain the major difference when paying for example about �24.00 for a 512mb card or I have seen them for about �80.00. TIA


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Like everything else in life there are the cheap and the expensive. Some pay for a name, some retailers have bigger markups etc. However, some cards are faster and there are now some 'super-fast' cards. You need to see comparative reviews in magazines (maybe there's a website that does the same).
...the only difference I would say would be �56 quid. I use Sandisk Ultra II and wouldn't pay more than �30 for one......never had a bad one yet.
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Thanks for taking the trouble to answer. I have now purchased a "cheapy"

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SD Digital Memory Cards

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