Of course it isn't! Have you honestly never heard of the Rwandan genocide in 1994? Have you honestly never met an Indian or Pakistani who hates the other? Or the Khmer Rouge?
The South African Government have a policy of expropriation without compensation of white owned farms - I find it shocking that a Western Govt can have such a policy, but I find it even more shocking that there doesn't appear to be an international outcry over such a policy.
If I had to provide an example of racism to explain to a child what racism is, this would be a perfect example.
There was a debate on AB a couple or so years ago, and there was one poster (I can't remember who it was) who argued that the policy wasn't racist!
What about the cruel sadistic Barbary pirates from North Africa.Trawling the seas and kidnapping over one million White Europeans from the coastal towns and villages. Dragging them back to Africa and enslaving them. Some were kept for many years .
@16.05.Only 20,000 murders a year,Peter?I thought Saint Nelson said after he got rid of "whitey"that South Africa would be a perfect paradise-zero crime,zero unemployment,a veritable socialist dream.Looks like he was wrong.
Mr Mandela had time to reflect on the state of his homeland and possible solutions to intractable problems while others were honing their slaughtering skills and building power bases to use for self enrichment.
Nelson died, the thugs and their followers lived on to plunder the country, ranting on about oppression, tyranny and theft, much to the open-mouthed amazement of the (civilised) watching world, while filling their boots at the expense of the majority.
Tell that to the Canaanites or the Hebrew’s or the Philistines or the Egyptians....Racism’s been endemic since the first Neanderthal winked at a Homo sapiens Sapien.