Is There Any Way To Gift Free Apps To Someone? in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Is There Any Way To Gift Free Apps To Someone?

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shivvy | 15:04 Fri 12th Feb 2021 | Technology
11 Answers
I am setting up an ipad for my mother-in-law and want to make it as easy to use as possible. I therefore want to add apps that i know she would use eg weather, simple games etc.
The apps that I want to add to the tablet are all free, but they cannot be gifted, it is only apps which have to be bought that can be gifted.
I don't have her bank details to allow me to do load them directly onto the ipad. I realise that when i give her the ipad I can input her bank details then, however I would like to do a much as possible in advance.
So is there a way to gift free apps?
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I have never given my bank details when downloading an app. Admittedly I am on Android not Apple.

When it asks for payment details there is always an option to 'skip'.
I presume she will have her own I tunes account, and you don't want to use yours?
Are you setting her up with one? if so, just download them onto her account
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bednobs can you explain that a bit more please? When you say to download them onto her account, how do I do that if not through the app store? I have created an apple ID for her - is that what you mean by her account? Thanks
PS - I'm useless at this kind of thing!
There is something called family sharing - never used it myself, but a friend has an ipad and his son can put apps on for him

If you have the same Apple id you can add apps to multiple devices from one device.
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When i try to buy an app on her ipad it says "This apple ID has not yet been used in the iTunes store. Tap Review to sign in, then review your account information."
When i tap on Review it says "To make purchases with your Apple ID you need to accept the Ts&Cs, then add a payment method."

There isn't an option to skip that I can see Hopkirk - are you talking about android maybe?
Just found this

"On your device, you can choose to “share” the App Store link for the app you want. Email that link and then when she gets the email, she just needs to click on the link. On her iOS device, it will ask to open in the App Store. When the App Store launches, she can just purchase/download the app to her device. "

You would thus go to the app, click on the share icon - which is the box with an up arrow that will be in the top right of the window. You then click on COPY LINK - then paste into an email
It is possible to setup Apple ID with no pay ent - I did it for a neighbour, but can't remember how!

Found this

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Tuvok thanks for your help. However . . .
We don't have the same apple ID.
I tried your suggestion of sharing the app but when the App Store opens on her ipad the same message comes up again.
I tried buying on itunes but it looks like only music, books or podcasts are available, not apps.

Maybe it just isn't possible. But thanks for your help.
Can you set her iPad up for family sharing. If so any app that you download will be available to her. When set up you go to the App Store, and go into your purchases you will see "not on this iPad" if your mil does this on her iPad she will be able to download any apps you have downloaded
Yes, I was talking about Android.

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