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Census Form

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jennyjoan | 19:44 Tue 05th Oct 2021 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I got a letter from the Electoral office saying that I didn't fill in my census form but I did. So have sent them post to say I had filled it in.

However, neighbour saw the letter sitting on radiator cover and I just happened to mention it to her.

She tells me "oh but did you know you had to fill in another form online". No I knew nothing about that.

I never saw anything like that to be filled online and what about people who don't have computers.

Anybody tell me anything - thanks.


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We did not fill anything in on line and have had no problems.
I imagine it is not your census form, but your electoral roll form. The two are quite different.

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right ok - but while my computer is playing havoc tonight - I had it switched off for a few hours - I can't get to Mamylynne's link. Tho I will try again tomorrow.

thanks for the answers.
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tried the link again and have got through with the answers.
The Electoral Roll and census are too different things. The electoral Roll is filled in yearly or so or left alone if your circumstances have not changed. The population Census is a form every ten years that everyone has to fill in.
Glad you got it JJ.
Question Author
yes thanks Mamy - should have thanked earlier on.

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