Thanks for all your answers over the last few weeks which have helped me - I am beginning to wish I had stayed with my Z3 compact which worked perfectly.
What I am now finding is that often and for no reason my wifi drops which means I am using my vodafone data at home instead of thru my wifi. I keep checking settings and the blue button has turned off for no reason. I then have to turn it on and connect every time.
Looking online at remarks about this phone it seems that this has happened to users frequently, Advice is to reset the wi fi and re input the code to set it up again. I did this and for a few days all was well but it is happening again! The is absolutely nothing wrong with my BT broadband.
Yes it was 'on'. Don't know how as I never use battery savers on my laptop or other phones I had before.
This morning the wi fi was on ok and hope this has sorted it.
Thanks so much
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Sony Xperia Xa1 - Another Problem With This Phone!