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*Ad which shall not be named*

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porkchop | 17:02 Tue 12th Apr 2022 | Technology
4 Answers
When i log into my *Ad which shall not be named* a/c on my desktop and try and access my orders all i get is a blank page. This has only happened recently and i am at a loss of how to fix it. When i contact the *Ad which shall not be named* help centre to explain my issue i find it difficult to get someone to understand. I used to be able to access all my current orders as well as deleted orders but all i get now is a blank page, did anyone else have this problem. Could i have pressed the wrong button somewhere, it is a minor problem but i would like to sort it. I appear to be able to see my *Ad which shall not be named* orders on my smartphone but not on my desktop. Whats wrong?


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I've no idea which website you're referring to. (If it's something like Amazon, eBay, Shpock, etc, then there's no reason why it can't be named here).

However simply clearing your web browser's cache (or, of course, using a different browser) is likely to fix the problem. [If you need instructions, please tell us which browser you're using].
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thanks! Will try that.
Is it Ann Summers?

It's Ali Express, for some inexplicable reason AB automatically replaces this company name with "Ad which shall not be named".

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*Ad which shall not be named*

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