I posted a method of operations earlier in the thread that the pics were in Pasta. Men don't do recipes we have a general idea and wing it. I can't write it down properly because I haven't got any fag (that was a 3 letter word for cigarette) packets since giving up smoking. It is dead easy and can be adapted to suit the seasons. In the summer I use my own tomatoes and courgettes and add a little basil. The bleedin Halibut is expensive these days. It can be made with Sea Bass fillets too but Halibut is best. By the way the "Albert" is pronounced with a French inflection and I first ate Halibut Albert at a French Restaurant just outside Chester in the early 70s.
When I said unavailable Pasta I meant for anyone else. It is part of the deal that she does mine when I cook. Pans used ... small non stick saucepan(heavy base) for the tomatoes and onions etc. and non stick frying pan for the fish. Two oven proof bowls. 15 canteens of cutlery 8 wooden spoons, 15 rolls of kitchen tissue and 2 good shots of Scotch and a bottle of Tim Taylor Landlord ale. :))