Virgin Media Help Appreciated in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Virgin Media Help Appreciated

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wolf63 | 14:34 Tue 21st Feb 2023 | Technology
23 Answers
I have VM broadband and a home phone. I have received a new router and have managed to set it up and the broadband is up and running.

However, the phone is now supposed to be a digital phone and it isn't working and I can't find any instructions.

Do I keep the phone plugged into the wall or plug it into the router? The connection for the phone base is the wrong size. My phones are all dead - no dialling tone.

I tried going into the VM site to get instructions but was going round and round in circles.


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Virgin sent us an adapter to enable the phone lead to be plugged into the router.
have you got an adaptor thingy? virgin recently sent me an adaptor that plugs into the router one end, then the phone plugs into it at the other
Router is for your broadband only. Your phone will go into you old phone square box on your wall this will upgraded to fiber optic cable by Virgin. To check phone 150 if you here virgin on you phone your connected.
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I've got lots of wires - what colour is it?

I can't find one that bridges the connection to the router to the connection with the phone base. Even if I do plug it into the wall as Nessie says it is still dead.
Loch Ness, there will soon be no traditional landlines from any provider and the home phones will all plug in to router
Thousands of homes have already been converted and wolf's phone must now be plugged in to the router

Loch Ness, you might find this interesting.

Wolf, Virgin should have provided a cable and adapter for your phone. Have you got them?
As Barry says, LNM, all traditional phone lines will shortly cease to exist, both with BT Openreach lines and Virgin Media ones. Wolf63's phone now needs to be connected, via an adapter, to her router
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The connection from the phone is too big to fix into the router.

I have wires from VM but none that seem to do what I want. I am getting confused. I will tidy up the work area and see what I can find and then go for a nap before tackling this again.

This is supposed to be idiot-proof!
The adapter might look like this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/393200143905?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=TfY1N77VTdO&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=deG64rTZSVW&;var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY

In any case find the cable that has one end that your phone cable will fit; the other end will connect to your router
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Barry, I can't find anything that looks even remotely like that.

My office is a total disaster just now - it is possible that it is here but I can't find it.

I will look later but in the meantime, I bought that wire thingy.
Why do they not make wires different colours?

Thanks all - at least my broadband is up and running again.

Did you get this letter with the very clear instructions? https://community.virginmedia.com/html/assets/Switchover_Migration_Leaflet.pdf
Mrs Nessie VM phone is connected via fibre optic cable for outside not via a router or wifi hub. Will she need to get VM to install one for her folks. She has no broadband service, just phone.
Loch Ness, you are not listening. VM is changing all of its landlines to VOIP, voice over Internet, the same as every other provider. When that happens the existing phone socket will not work and the phone will have to be plugged in to the router.
Thousands of customers have already done this
Oops, sorry, didn't read your post properly.

When the time comes VM will install a router for her landline and she will just be charged the same line rental
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Barry, can't remember seeing anything like that in the box. I may have received it and misplaced it already. I am busy bagging used stamps into little bags and packing up for my impending house move.

I'll have a good look.

Stressful time, I don't envy you that. The adapter you have bought should sort you out.
I've found that these forums help out a lot.
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SA, thanks for the link. I may yet need it.

I sympathise wolf. Virgin managed, at different times, to sabotage my landline and my mobile. I've now got no landline but I've found another mobile provider who provides me with an excellent service, and very good Customer Support too.

Unfortunately, by tradition, Virgins don't "go all the way".
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I accept that even in a well run business *** happens and things go wrong. But VM has no real customer service. The website is like n Ikea store - you can get totally lost and never manage to escape.
I've given up for now.

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