The Mother (2023), starring Jennifer Lopez & Ralph Feinnes. Fast-paced thriller with J Lo (the Mother) going to extreme lengths to protect the daughter she had to give up at birth, from a band of ruthless villains. A veteran of several tours of duty, she is a marksman and quite the expert at hand to hand combat.
Suspend your disbelief for 118 minutes and you'll likely enjoy this one. No sex scenes and hardly any profane language, though there are plenty of dead bodies.
To be totally honest, when i saw who was playing the lead, i almost turned to another film. She's quite a decent actress is our J Lo. Who'dathunkit?
It ticks all my boxes. Marksmanship Yes. Action Yes.Dead bodies. No problem. No Pofanities. Good,heard them all in my lifetime mostly directed at me. Sex scenes. Invokes happy distant memories.
I'll have some of that. There has been SFA on the tube recently so have been in bed by 2100 most nights.
Khandro, i've just rewatched the first 8 or 9 mins, right up to the opening credits, and there is no effing and jeffing, no sex, simulated or otherwise. A tad too much blood, perhaps, for your delicate palate:-)
^^ It may have been longer than 5 minutes, but something brought about the mutual 'thumbs down' reaction.
(I'm tempted to watch it again to see what brought about the reaction)
And my 'sensitive palette' as you put has seen a lot of things in this life.
Instead, I dug out an old box set of '24' starring Kiefer Sutherland which we haven't seen for years & we are now near the end of season 1. No gratuitous sex scenes & I don't think there has been a single 'f' word. Lots of o t t action & drama though, & not a few shootings.
We watched all of it. My wife was more intrigued than I was but she kept asking me questions for which there was no apparent answer. Too far fetched but produced for your typical American audience so no surprise. 4/10. Not a film I would want to sit through again, whereas, Saving Ryan's Privates was a quality Spielberg film I would, and have, watched a few times over. Not a fair comparison really.