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British Gas Vs Octopus Energy

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fender62 | 17:01 Fri 23rd Jun 2023 | Technology
4 Answers
reading this and op's below it, and its all a bit cats n dogs to me, anyone clarify this.


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British Gas customers who've got smart meters can sign up to their PeakSave scheme and get half-price electricity between 11am and 4pm every Sunday from this weekend through until24 September.

The Octopus Tracker tariff (which is still in a 'beta' trial) increases or decreases the price of energy every day, in order to follow changes in the wholesale prices of energy. That means that their customers will be the first to benefit from falls in the wholesale price of energy but, equally, the first to be hit by increases in the wholesale price:
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Buenchico, thanks makes sense now, im with british gas and was wondering if i should move, as you say its basically swings and roundabouts really? but whats with the people with bg being overcharged.
British Gas has around 12 million domestic customers in the UK (including those served by Scottish Gas, which is simply a brand name of British Gas). It's therefore inevitable that they're going to have some dissatisfied customers. They're certainly not perfect but I'm happy to stick with them.
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thanks ill stick with them as well.

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British Gas Vs Octopus Energy

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