ITV "Trailers" in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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ITV "Trailers"

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chasbo | 13:39 Thu 05th Jan 2006 | Film, Media & TV
4 Answers
Is it only me!! I'm getting fed up with all the "coming soon trailers", mainly ITV, but BBC are now increasingly doing it. They advertise forthcoming programmes at every break, I'm now so bored with the trailers I don't watch the programme. With advert breaks now being at least 4 minutes, (it used to be 3 minutes) I now choose BBC to watch, and record anything else from ITV.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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I think they've also increased the number of ad breaks in an hour haven't they?
The cable channels also have a habit of running through the opening titles and going straight to an advert, which is infuriating.
My pet hate though is having watched a great programme and waiting to discover the names of minor actors in roles you enjoyed when the screen is suddenly reduced to half, so the channel can advertise another programme through the closing titles of the programme you've enjoyed.

I think the terrestial channels are so aware of "channel hopping" that they are detemined that you see at least one of the oft-repeated trailers and tune in to their station again. Why else would they get in there with details so soon after a programme has ended, they show trailers while the current progammes end titles are running. I hate ITV's "comming next" banner that scrolls across the screen before the progamme even gets to the end credits !!

Ooooo don't get me started! Like Drusilla and tonymclark I cannot stand the split screen at the credits and the coming next banner . Is this not Tv listings magazines and websites are for? Also have any of you noticed that sometimes the voiceover person does not wait until the end of the programme to speak? So you end up missing the last words spoken or seeing the characters walk off into the sunset.
Welcome to the world of TV choice. They give us more channels and say it's in the interest of better choice and then panic when we start turning over to watch a rival channel. Do what I do, watch DVDs from the local library/rental shop/online service, read/see the news via the web, listen to the radio more and watch TV only when you have to... and flick around the other channels while the one your watching attempts to keep you watching by playing yet another TV trail...



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