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Downloading Banking App Problems

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pulmicort1415 | 14:25 Tue 02nd Jul 2024 | Technology
8 Answers

Trying to download banking app.

Filled in the usual. Personal details etc.

Then sort code and account number.

Then it tells me to fill in the code that they are sending me.

To get the code I need to open outlook account so on my Samsung smart phone  I tap on 3 bars on bottom right of screen.

Here I open outlook and note the code.

I go back to the 3 bars, bank app page but find the page closed and wants me to start all over again.

What am I doing wrong?



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Perhaps you were too slow?

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The code says you have 20 minutes.

OK, that's one thing ruled out then.

Try getting them to text the code to your phone instead of emailing it. When the text arrives you might find you can click to save the number from the preview.

Apparently, your banking app needs to remain in the foreground during the process. A direct solution is to access your Outlook account using another device.
If you're determined to accomplish it on the same device, the first remedy to attempt is to check permissions for both apps. Ensure that especially "run in background" and "display over other apps" permissions are enabled.

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Sorry everyone it's going to messages

If you have a landline, get them to send the code to that phone. A computer generated message will read it out to you.

Question Author

Got sorted. In settings "notifications" was switched off.

 New phone! Thanks to all who responded

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Downloading Banking App Problems

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