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Which Cryptic

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mjulian | 22:20 Tue 02nd Jul 2024 | Crosswords
6 Answers

Am really stuck on 4 clues - any help greatly appreciated.

Royal country above regularly cheesy, soppy stories [8]: 


Small to medium organ?  Slander! [5]:  ---A-

Copper in Los Angeles [North America] is blank [6]:  --C-N-

[I've put LACUNA but this knocks out the next clue]

Row over Diana and Lucy's fringes in a long winded way [7]:

-O-D---  [I/ve put WORDIER but this means LACUNA cannot be right!]

Can anyone help me please?!



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Last one. Wordily.

Row... Wordily

1. Romances

2 Smear - S M Ear.

2, Smear.

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Many thanks everyone - much appreciated.


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