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Powerpoint Background

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andy-hughes | 16:43 Tue 09th Jul 2024 | Technology
4 Answers

I have one PP presentation that has a black bakground on all it's slides.

Can I convert them to a white background, and if so, how please?




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select all the slides(ctrl+A), then click "design" then format background (top right).
16:48 Tue 09th Jul 2024

select all the slides(ctrl+A), then click "design" then format background (top right).

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It's OK, shock horror, I've managed to figure it out for myself!!

I am so proud of myself!!!

Excuse me while I have a moment ...

(sound of an old gentleman sniffling quietly, and a door closing ....)

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Thanks TTT - we cross-posted, but have a BA on me!!


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Powerpoint Background

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