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Clicking On The Link I Usually Use To Get Into Ab...

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sandyRoe | 13:00 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | Technology
11 Answers

... I get a page headed:  Testing 123.

This page is used to test the proper operation of the Apache HTTP server.

I can still get into the site by using log-in.

What's going on?



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I just had this trying to get in using my browsers saved quick link.Β  I saved it again using and all is well, the www. made the difference!
13:03 Tue 16th Jul 2024

I just had this trying to get in using my browsers saved quick link.  I saved it again using and all is well, the www. made the difference!

I've had a couple of AB pages freeze on me this morning. Ok after reload. Perhaps they're doing maintenance.

I've got the same problem as Sandy.  I've only just now been able to access AB and that's by logging in every time.  Otherwise I get this Testing 123 page.  I've tried putting but it makes no difference.   Any thoughts please ?  Please put in the simplest words thank-you 

The URL is:

Click that link and you should be OK.

Thanks EΔΊΔΊìpsis.

Google Answerbank, click on Answerbank, get redirected to Testing 123.

Google Answerbank click on login then login once again, everytime.

Maybe the techno gnomes @ AB need to update something they can't afford πŸ€”πŸ™„πŸ˜’

Hmm, tapping on "view you profile" from a Google search brings me here without having to log in.

Curiouser and curiouser said Alice ,,,,

Thanks 1ozzy - I'll have a go at that.

I have had same for two days and just thought that answerbank was updating and so would be unavailable for a few days. Only tried on my laptop by accident to find that it must be my phone that is not letting me onto answerbank anymore. I cannot access via laptop all the time and phone is more convenient. How do I go back to being able to access answerbank on phone again without constantly signing in every time?

I had the same problem on my iPad.  I removed the bookmark, reloaded the site, created a new bookmark and this worked.

Will Anserbank ever update themselves or is it too expensive or too difficult?

Asking for a friend πŸ˜’

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