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Has Donald Trump Already Succeeded In Turning America Into A Dictatorship?

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mibn2cweus | 15:51 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | Society & Culture
15 Answers

Dictatorship spells the end of a meaningful democracy. Ironically, it was democracy that steered America towards a dictatorship in the first election that put Trump in the White House. Should Trump be returned to the White House in the next election, the last vestiges of democracy are likely to be devoured. Why Trump was ever elected as president is an open question. Why he would ever be chosen to run as president again speaks to the fear driven choices of the GOP to save itself at the expence of democracy.



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he was elected due to the electoral college system. he actually received the smallest number of votes in 2016 but became president anyway. americans have never preferred him to the alternative.

the trouble is the movement that he will leave behind him when he dies. the republicans have to all intents and purposes become a fascist party and his VP pick is very young indeed and upholds many of the movement's nastiest views.

i still don't think it is too late. if the republicans are kept from power long enough for it to change back or be replaced by a more traditional conservative party then american democracy for all its flaws can survive. if Trump or Vance take office in January then I don't really see a way out short of revolution... which seems quite unlikely

he was elected due to the electoral college system. 

well you are never gonna change that -  the Supreme court are "originalists" -  the federal law must not vary from that of 1790.

Trump was voted out of office and so is a dictator - - sounds a bit like me quite honestly

What nonsense.  You've really bought into the Biden rhetoric.

"Should Trump be returned to the White House in the next election, the last vestiges of democracy are likely to be devoured."  

Really?!  Sounds like someone has skipped their meds.

If Trump has, as you say, already succeeded in turning America into a dictatorship, surely that means the current Dictator is Joe Biden?  Whats your logic?

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This thread poses a question, not a statement of fact. Trump's goals remain a work in progress but his intentions appear obvious enough to me to warrent the question posed. The choice to consider or ignore the possibilities this raises for the future in light of the consequences of Trump's past performance and future ambitions are worthy of careful consideration.

What are his 'obvious' intentions, in your view?

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To win at any and all costs without regard for truth or consequences at the peril of anyone who dares stand in his way.

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

Or disciples.

I thought the whole point of running for President was to win?  People know who they're voting for.

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So then civility, defending freedom and human rights has nothing to do with it. Thanks, that explains a lot.

If Biden stood down, his replacement would almost certainly win.

I'd certainly hope so, hoppy. 

What evidence do you have to support that claim, Hopkirk?  Seems to me that Kamala Harris is no more popular than Joe.  The only job she was given as VP was securing the southern border and look how that turned out.

The Democrats need a radical re-think to beat Trump & they need to do it NOW.

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Has Donald Trump Already Succeeded In Turning America Into A Dictatorship?

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