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Utorrent Not Opening

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zingo1327 | 09:55 Fri 19th Jul 2024 | Technology
2 Answers

I had to reload utorrent .Previously when I selected a torrent to download it went auto to utorrent and it comes up along the top of the screen but the window won't open so I can't download..Thank you in advance



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Not used that for years. Is it a new version you have ? Perhaps delete completely & reinstall. If the latest version still fails maybe look to download and install an old one.


Do check your firewall etc. is happy letting it through.

A program along the edge of the screen may be maximized with Win + Up Arrow. Select the program in the taskbar, then press the Windows logo and the Up arrow key together. Once maximized, reposition the window by left-clicking the title bar or another positioning method.

If the program is still not running correctly, try restarting the PC. Finally, if it's still not fixed, reinstall the program, first uninstalling it with Windows built-in uninstaller or a third-party software such as Revo Uninstaller.

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