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70 Th Birthday Present Ideas.

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bednobs | 16:13 Sun 21st Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

One of my favourite aunties is turning 70. I don't see her all that often so don't know what she likes. She is a retired married lady but very young in outlook. Can anyone suggest a good present iro £50. I will be seeing her to give it to her so don't have to worry about sending it. But I do have to have it by Saturday.



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I've bought several really nice quality gifts of birthstone jewellery recently.   A couple necklaces, some earrings and a bracelet.  Everyone has been really pleased with them.  Have a look on Amazon.

Have a look at 'not on the High Street' they have some nice silver jewellery. I just put in 70th birthday for her 

A ticket for a front row seat to The Chippendales.

tickets to a musical etc

Gift voucher for afternoon tea for two at a nice hotel.

M & S have some lovely ideas for wine/chocs hampers, plants, etc.

Has she any hobbies?    A voucher for hobbycraft might be welcome

A garden... Garden centre voucher... Or a tree if you think she will have room for one,  

A cook.... Make up a hamper with luxury ingredients, like saffron, really good oils, dulce, expensive spices, smoked garlic, .... Go mad in Waitrose for this one....

If I were your Auntie I would enjoy lunch with you sometime, or a local theatre trip, or a nice bunch of flowers. I wouldn't want you to spend £50 and would be quite embarrassed if you gave me a voucher to that value. 

Take her out for afternoon tea or lunch.

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70 Th Birthday Present Ideas.

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