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Mind The Gap!!!

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piggynose | 10:33 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | News
6 Answers


This happened a year ago, but was posted on YouTube recently on breakfast tv.

So be careful on the LU!!



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Horrible accident/experience. Respect to her for her ability and attitude.


Maybe time the tube sorted out and straightened track & platform at such stations.

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Yes og its high time, in this day and age.Surely the gap should be a thing of the past!!  I´d expect this incompetence in a 3rd world country!! 


platforms are curved when the track is; train carriages are straight. So there will be gaps until they rebuild the entire inner city tube network so all tracks are straight.

Not going to happen. London built the first underground railway network in the world and got it mostly right. We just have to live with minor infelicities - and mind the gaps.

This incident happened at High Barnet station where the platforms are straight.

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So i'm alright Jack! 

It wouldn't be that difficult to fix. Extend the platform so there's a straight bit,  ensure in the future trains stop at the new straight bit. A bit more digging, yes, but nothing compared to a whole line or the whole underground.

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Mind The Gap!!!

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