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Charlotte Dujardin

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choux | 16:52 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | News
12 Answers

Somewhat suspicious motive of the anonymous complainant who has taken over 2 years to report this occasion, imo. Nothing to do with Danish riders who cannot now compete in the Olympics?

Dujardin can now wave goodbye to her damehood, Olympic challenge and possibly career. An "error of judgement" is an understatement.

 Charlotte Dujardin: Whipping video released to 'save dressage' - whistleblower - BBC Sport



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I'm not an animal rights fanatic (I don't disapprove of horse racing and greyhound racing but I do disapprove of hare coursing etc) but, to my mind, there is no difference between training horses for dressage and training elephants for the circus ring (which I do disapprove of). I get the feeling that, rather than the events being disclosed for maximum harm for the Olympics, they have been hushed up for several years to avoid bringing the sport into disrepute. This disclosure is not before time and , if it finishes her career, that's justice.

I saw a video of this incident ages ago. It's not just come to light.

She was laying in to a horse with a lunge whip. This is a long bendy whip about 4ft long with a cord of similar length attached. It is usually used when training a horse in a circle, flicking it to keep the horse from coming back in and encouraging forward movement. She was lacing into the mounted horse using both hands while the rider was restricting the forward movement to create collection and impulsion. The horse was kicking out as it obviously was frightened and no doubt it hurt. I don't for one minute think this is a one off from Charlotte. The dressage scene is worth literally millions and like the racing industry is motivated by results and value in bloodstock. She should be prosecuted for animal cruelty and banned from competition and her trainer's license rescinded.

I wonder how Ms Dujardin would have liked being whipped as she was made to run around a track???

I'm glad you explained all about this, aunty poll, as I have to say I was wondering what all the fuss was about having seen the video. It looked to me (know nothing about horses, never been on one, never touched one) that it was just a sort of flick rather than whipping the horse.

I was expecting a sustained,  nasty, severe whip of the horse with a short whip, and knowing whips are used sometimes with horses I did wonder what all the fuss was about.

I have been educated, thanks.

I would like to bet that a majority of these "performing" horses undergo some sort of painful correction.

You would win your bet. The more money thats involved the more the trainers are results led. Dressage looks so elegant and refined but backstage is a different story. 

I cannot abide animal cruelty. End of.

Well, no one will listen to me of course - but she quite rightly admitted to an aberration. I agree that she went far too far and it will do immense damage to a skill of long duration. 

Dressage uses a horse's natural movements in a particular pattern.  Nothing unnatural about it. My niece teaches dressage and is a BHS dressage judge. There is NO cruelty involved. I've seen training many times and am as horrified as anyone by what Dujardin did.  WELL out of line. Dressage is NOT cruel.

Lunge whips are used to touch a horse's legs from a distance (you can't get near enough) to provide a gentle reminder of where the placement of the leg shoud be. That's all there is to it.  Rather like a tug on the bridle to place the head or a nudge of the knees to turn the body. It is the purest form of horsemanship, balance and movement working together.

There must be an underhand motive to release this video now - why not 2 years ago when the incident happened?


This has an interesting parallel to the come dancing scandal.

The reason it's come out now is to ensure Dujardin can't compete in the Olympics, giving competitors a better chance of winning. 

What she did was wrong, and I can't bear to watch the footage, but the person who had the evidence and kept quiet for two years doesn't cover themself in glory. 

There are two different issues here the beating of the horse and why the video has conveniently come to light a week before the Olympics. However, if this video had been released two years ago I doubt du jardin would be competing in the 2024 olympics as this will ruin her career. A lunge whip is a training aid used mainly on unmounted young horses on a circle that are attached to a long rope - a lunge rein -to keep them on a circle and encourage them to move forward and recognise the verbal aids for walk trot and which is a slowing down command. In all my years - over 50! - in riding and training horses as well as teaching have I ever seen a lunge whip used on a mounted horse . It's the riders job to place the horse, not the trainer on the ground. Dressage per say is not cruel and one of the safest equine sports, but SOME trainers at the higher levels are put under pressure to use methods that are questionable and I believe cruel. I could list certain aids, draw reins and combination bridles but this gets technical for those who are not into horse training. I know one thing though, a horse will only do something you want it to do for two reasons - it trusts you or it's scared to death of you. I doubt this is the first time she has done this and frankly the only 'shock' she got when seeing the video was that she'd been found out.

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