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Following On From Barrys' Maths Question.....

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10ClarionSt | 22:33 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
14 Answers

....which three numbers will make the problem correct?

? + ? + ? = 30

1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15.

Answer tomorrow, cos I'm off to bed now. Up early tomorrow. Airport run. Unless you know the answer of course!



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Impossible as all the numbers are odd and 30 is even, 3 odd numbers added together will never make an even!

I'm hopeless at this stuff but expect a convoluted argument in the morn. 😏

(1+9) + (1+9) + (5+5) =30

Says that you can only use 3 numbers, Karamia

But I only used 1, 9 and 5

It'll be a trick question - three odds can't make an even.

Even put together such as 1,3 + 17 + ? Only gets so far.

Well done Karamia. 👏

Well done, Karamia

I had been trying with the same number used twice but got nowhere 

Question Author

Thanks for the replies folks. It is impossible, isn't it? Or is it?  This is one of those intense questions that has people thinking, but you need to think slightly out of the box, as they say. The numbers are there for the correct answer, but it's like this;

13 + 11 + 6 (9, upside down) = 30

Sorry folks. 


'Think outside the box' just took on a new meaning.

Boooo indeed, ridiculous solution (?)!

Question Author

I know! I know! I'll get me coat! 😥

Please do! 🤣

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