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Amanda Abbington

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smurfchops | 15:47 Thu 25th Jul 2024 | Film, Media & TV
9 Answers

Saw her on TV this morning giving an interview.  She seems now to be milking it, to me.  A professional performance, trying not to cry, etc.  I am wondering if she has now gone over the top, and shot herself in the foot for future work?  



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Yes most definitely milking it, keeping the story alive and adding little bits each day, none of which have yet been substantiated. There is an ongoing enquiry it will be interesting to see what comes of it

not dancing contests if she shot herself in the foot!

Strictly can't be bothered to put the work in.

Not exactly Mickey Rooney with the war stories though.

As Margo says, yes definitely. I don't much like her and I hope once this is over never to see her on tv again. Ann Widdecombe was on Jeremy Vine one day this week and was very cutting about her.

An actor.  Silly woman.

Too far up herself, just didn't like being told what to do, ''don't you know who I am''!!

I remember reading some drama over her divorce from Martin Freeman but I can't remember the details.  She seems fond of crying in public.

Since her withdrawal from SCD and her accusations regarding her dancing-partner, she has been subjected to the most horrendous abuse which has also been directed at her children.

That the BBC have actually apologised seems to have escaped the notice of some.....

If only women would just put up with it and keep silent, eh?

Way over the top - she is an actress after all - last seen years ago in Sherlock.

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