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Changing Broadband Suppliers.

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Tilly2 | 20:13 Thu 25th Jul 2024 | How it Works
12 Answers

We have recently transferred from BT to Sky. Sky are dealing with all the bits and bobs that have to be done before the installation date.

We had an email from BT today saying sorry you're leaving us and telling us that we have to pay an early termination fee of £433. Will Sky deal with this or do we have to pay it?



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Pretty sure you will have to pay it.

Sky don't pay the termination fee you do. Sky then give you credits up to £100 on your new account. £433 termination fee??? Did you sign up for 3 years a month ago? Never change supplier until the contract is nearly up. 

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Our contract ends in November 2025. We switched because BT had increased their prices and we were paying for services which we could get on the Sky bundle like TNT and Netflix.

In the long run, it should be cheaper.

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...but £433 seems like a lot of money.

...but you are breaking your contract and leaving 16 months early. BT will want from you what they were expecting to get from your contract.

You are paying off the remainder of you BT contract monthly payment dues, less vat, with a 1% discount. Scandalous terms from BT.

Presumably you moved at the end of your present contract. If not then, yes, it becomes expensive unless there was an agreement you could end any time with fees.

Maybe you can cancel or postpone ?

Scandalous terms @20.24...? I don't think so. It's probably done so people don't suddenly break a contract without some thought of the cost involved.

It would have been cheaper to stick the contract out and subscribe to Netflix monthly and TNT through BT. Then change supplier. You would be surprised at the "savings" they can find when you are leaving without penalty. 

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Thank you all. We will look into this more closely and see what we can come up with.

...any time withOUT fees.

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Changing Broadband Suppliers.

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