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N H S Says Blood Stocks Are Critically Low …

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naomi24 | 17:52 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | News
17 Answers

.... and wants donors urgently.  All blood types needed but especially Type O.  Sign up at


No question.  I posted this for information only.



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I used to donate but am too old now.

Those who can should.  There's no better gift you could give.

Did over 50 donations. Cant now as I'm on blood pressure meds...I really miss doing it. As Tony Hancock said " Its like a bank...put it in when you're flush, draw it out when you need it!"

I'd be more than happy to donate (I used to) but they won't let me because of my age! I'm not 'O', but it would have to help someone somewhere.  Perhaps healthy older people should be accepted.  GPs could give a permit to those who could safely donate.

What's the age limit?

I'm a regular and encourage anyone who can donate to do so. 

check to see if you're eligible here.


I think I read that the age limit for new donors is 66.

Regular donors can keep donating into their 70's while they remain fit and well.  


No age limit as long as you're fit and healthy.  If 70 or over you've had to have given within the previous 2 years.  I've given 88 times so far, would like to reach 100 if I can.

From the website referring to new donors.......

To donate blood you will need to:

be generally fit and well

be aged between 17 and 65

weigh between 7 stone 12 lbs (50kg) and 25 stone (158kg)

have suitable veins (we will check these before you donate)

meet all donor eligibility criteria (we will check this with you before you donate)

I've given 130 donations and still giving I'm in my 70 s I started at 17

I'm puzzled now.  I donated regularly until I went to live in France (aged 50) and suddenly they wouldn't take English blood any more (Mad Cow disease). When I came back to UK nearly 10 yrs ago I was told I was too old.  Hmmm.

Due to the time away and not donating they would need to treat you as a new donor again, for which you'd need to be under 66.

Thanks for the explanation, Maydup.  Perhaps they ought to rethink the rule if they are so short of blood.  I'll mention it at the surgery.

I wonder if they relax the rules at all when they have critically low supplies? It might be worth contacting them via 

There must be thousands of people like me who used to give blood but had to stop, not because of being totally unhealthy but because of the medication we're on. Is there any research being done to remove the unwanted  substances from blood so we could start donating again?

Mr U has been bemaoning the fact he had to stop due to medication, now they will accept it he is in his 70's and outside the 2 year rule. He is type O as well.  I never made the minimum weight, so have never been able to donate

I donate as often as I can. However, they have turned me away twice. Once because I needed to blow my nose, and another time because I had a cut finger. Annoying. 

So, just reading all these replies - it seems that within this relatively small group of people there are many who are willing and are probably able to donate blood; but the NHS won't let them.

Rules are killing people (especially 'elf & safety').

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