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Wet Laptop Cable Connector

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Barmaid | 13:26 Wed 07th Aug 2024 | Technology
22 Answers

I just dropped the end of my laptop charger (the end that goes into my laptop) into my coffee.  It was actually plugged in and switched on at the time and did not go fizz bang.  Dare I now plug it into my laptop?  I am v low on battery and need to get it charged asap!!!



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Dont you have a spare?

It wouldnt go bang, its a SELV unit.

What it could do if plugged in is short circuit the laptop.  Highly unlikley but personally I wouldnt risk it.

After drying it I think I would swing it aroung and see if any coffee is evident afterwards. I it is still dry I would chance it. It is not liable to damage the lappie but just watch for the charging transformrer getting hotter than usual quickly.  

If it works I would order a replacement anyway. Coffee, especialy if it has sugar in it, is deadly on electrical contacts or printed circuit. I corrodes them and causes all sorts of issues. 

who has a spare power lead for their laptop?

I it doesnt work then it blew a little thermal fuse which is in the sealed transformer. If a current passed through the liquid in the coffee cup for long enough it would have put a short across the dc output therby blowing fuse or safety thermal trip. 

^I do...lots of them. My Samsung laptop comes with a charger that has removable standard usb-c plug.

//who has a spare power lead for their laptop?//

For Dell, I have one on each desk plus one for each in other rooms plus two spares.  It's quite normal, I have two for the works Windows Laptop and two for my daughters Lenovo when she comes round.

So me.

well, removable lead with standard usb-c plug.

Another option is to look at what other chargers you have lying around. As long as the connector configuratio is right(twin plug or circular single) and the DC voltage output is not higher than the laptop requirement you can get an emergency charge in. All the output specs are printed on all the device charging transformers. 

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I do not have a spare!

(This is the cat's fault, she brought a live mouse in and I jumped up in such a hurry to catch the little blighter that I didn't see the cable drop into my coffee).

I do too ymb I also have a handy multi outlet gizmo pack that has all the different dc power tips for emergencys just like this. 

Put the cable up the mouses jacksie, if you catch it, and see if it twitches. 🤣

The problem with laptops is many wont run properly if not the correct one.  Dell in particular is stubborn on this particulalry if you have the more powerful Latatides like we have.  They take a lot of power so just plugging in a usb-C wont just work.

It's the watts that is a problem.

interesting!  I have never had a spare for my laptop (often you find they are expensive, and the lead outlasts the laptop)

i cheer universal chargers.  My work is done on a surface and it has a magnetic lead. i have never even see that before

Did you catch the mouse?

Puss probably thought you needed a new mouse for the computer.


Now is a good time for a trip to the PC shop for a spare charger. Preferably a universal one.

I have a surface pro as well Bednobs. The keyboard/cover is also a magnetic connection. It can be pulled apart and used as a tablet. When it is reconnected it almost leaps into place. Handy kit. Did you know that the magnetic charger will work either way round? Useful when the plug socket is in a different location, like hotel rooms,  sometimes.

Lol @ Geezer. 

Even if the low voltage plug was immersed in coffee for a prolonged period, powered, it should not cause a problem, just dry it out before plugging into your laptop and it will be fine.


If the low voltage plug centre hole is large enough, insert a small piece of cloth (or similar material) to assist with drying – but make sure none of the cloth/material can become stuck in the hole.

I think the advice for electricals is to wash with distilled water (tumble drier water?) then dry thoroughly. Should be ok.

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