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ebeohp | 14:24 Sat 24th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
4 Answers

Found this one difficult.

1A . Is behind the barrier at york perhaps (6) T-A-L- think it is trails but not sure where the T is from.

8D. Salt: a minimum of it say, limits trouble (3,3) SEA,-O-

sure it is SEA DOG not sure where the dog comes from

27A. Army officer keeping second place initially for the cleaner

(3,3) -R-, MOP sure the cleaner is the mop

Explanations would be appreciated

Many thanks in advance,



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1a Trails -in Yorksire dialect "the rails" = t'rails

27 Mrs Mop. a cleaner. 

8D a Seadog is a term for an old sailor or salt.

S(alt) minimum + EG(say) around ADO (trouble)

27 The Army officer is RSM, regimental sergeant major, with Mo, second, instant etc and the P from the start of Place(initially).

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