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Fao Buenchico

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tamaris | 12:48 Sun 25th Aug 2024 | Technology
3 Answers

Can I use the adreamer tablet in Greece to watch the TV catchup programmes ?



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The tablet itself won't be a problem but most catch-up apps are 'geo-blocked', meaning that the won't work outside of the UK.  That's because, for example, the BBC only holds the UK broadcasting rights for most of its content, meaning that they're obliged to block access to it abroad via iPlayer.

To get access to iPlayer (et al) abroad, you'd need to install (and subscribe to) a VPN service, which would then trick the relevant servers (such as theBBC's one) into believing that you're still in the UK:

So Tamaris, are you happy with the adreamer???

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Hi Sharon, yes u love it.


Chris I'm going to  Greece for a week  in a month,  can you help me im not sure what to do x

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Fao Buenchico

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