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Fao Chris Or Other Techies!

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piggynose | 17:48 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | Technology
3 Answers

I am currenly using Brave as my main browser, but recently when I try to open youtube videos, the video stretches and takes up most of the screen. This only happens in Brave, but not in chrome or other browsers. Brave was my preferred browser, but if i cant resolve this issue, i might have to abandon it!!

so yr help would be appreciated.





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If you've gone into 'Cinema mode' in YouTube (either deliberately or accidentally), your browser will remember it and continue to open all future YouTube videos in that mode until you exit from it.  So hover the cursor over the bottom right of the video area and check to see if there's a 'Default view' option available.  (If so, click on it).

If that doesn't help, try clearing the browsing data (especially the cookies) from Brave:
[NB: Ensure that the 'time range' setting is sett to 'All time' before doing so].

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chris, sorted! plan A didn´t work, but plan B did, i cleared some of the browser history, possibly about 1000 things, and tried youtube again, and bingo it worked!! Thanx once again!

Thanks for the feedback, Piggy!

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