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Does Anyone Know How To..............

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10ClarionSt | 05:48 Sun 01st Sep 2024 | Technology
10 Answers

........recover deleted video files from an SD card? Thanks.



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If you've got a PC try Recuva.  Watch out when you install it, it will probably try to install additional programs if you don't untick boxes.  

It had a good reputation a few years ago and there's no reason why it shouldn't do a good job now.  It's free

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Thanks barry. It isn't actually for me but I've passed it on. I'll let you know how they get on.

I don't know about Recuva particularly but warn your friend that such programs tend to take a long time to run (hours). It varies with the size of card but it's doing a very tedious search of the whole card.

It can be run overnight, no intervention necessary 

True, barry - I didn't want the user to think there was something wrong because it seemed to be running slowly.

Another free and reliable option is MiniTool Data Recovery.

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Thanks for the knowledgeable replies folks. He managed to get the video from someone nearby who took virtually the same shot. No recovery needed! 

That's good 🙂

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