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How Do You 'Read' Answerbank?

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barry1010 | 09:21 Mon 02nd Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
12 Answers

Do you open every category to see if there are any new posts?

Only open the categories that interest you?

Maybe you just follow the posts that pop up in the 'latest posts' panel.

Do you ever click on 'recently answered' and /or 'unanswered'?

Do you 'follow' certain ABers by searching on their names? 

Genuinely interested to know



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i go to the home page to see if there are any new posts, then CB then my profile

Look at recently answered.

Then check down the home page for new stuff.

Then, if still interested, maybe check profile to find replies to threads I've recently contributed to.

Very rarely I may then just surf forums but the above usually more than suffices.

My bookmark for AnswerBank is the home page 'Recently Answered' tab, which opens at the top of the list of posts and thus avoids the long lasting shopping poll:

However, there are several categories (ChatterBank, Crosswords, Quizzes & Puzzles and Editor's Blog identified to date) where posts do not show in 'Recently Answered' so it's a matter of selecting those individually to see if there is anything of interest.

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I wonder how many ABers are aware that not all categories show in the 'latest posts' panel, Etch?  It took my a while

They do appear in the 'Latest Posts' panel, barry1010, it's the 'Recently Answered' tab that doesn't show them. It's posts to threads that started more than a month ago that don't appear in 'Latest Posts' but, provided they are not in one of the hidden categories, such posts do appear in 'Recently Answered'!

Go to subscribed posts then latest posts followed by quizzes and CB.

Just look at latest posts. Then view my profile, Stopped subscribing it was filling my inbox too much.

AB opens on Crosswords, I look at Latest Posts, Subscribed Posts, front page, Recently Answered & have a wander about.

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Agree about subscribing and emails

I've got a separate email account for AB.  Subscribed posts go in there and are deleted in one fell swoop.  It's the tidiest account I have!

Latest posts then a quick cast around to see who's on patrol and setting my quipometer accordingly.

Deletion is such a pain in the proverbial.

^Seems to be a surplus 'and' up there, feel free to use as needed.

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