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What Do I Say To This Guy?

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abbeylee90 | 21:00 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | Family & Relationships
26 Answers

This guy I started speaking to tonight is asking if he cam ring me and I don't feel comfortable speaking on phone after an hour of speaking what do I say?



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Abbey - it's time you made up your own mind.  You must know by now how we will react and the sort of advice we will give.

I can't believe you spoke for an hour ........

If you don't feel comfortable, then you  say 'That's it, 'bye' Don't ring me any more.'  Then you put the phone down.

You are a grown-up, remember.


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We haven't spoken on the phone he said he wants to but u don't at this early stage

I don't understand the question.  You were talking to someone who asked if he could ring you.  If you gave him your number there's nothing to say.  You've already agreed to him ringing you.

I think it might be 'speaking' on Messenger or WhatsApp, conversation by text? 

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Yes txt message 

Ok. Tell him you don't want him to ring you.

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Thanks I've now told him i want to speak more on messenger first and he said come please we have a laugh 

Is 90 in your username your DOB? If it is, that means you're in your mid-30s. Isn't time you became an adult?

If you don't want to say no.

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I keep saying no 

abbey, maybe you should take a break from talking online, it might be better to engage with people face-to-face

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Ellie that don't happen overnight.

Still asking.

Tell him if he won't take no for an answer you'll block him. He sounds like a nuisance.

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I blocked him after having a missed call.

End of story then.  He's blocked.

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Yeah so leave it at that I'll also block on WhatsApp.

If that's what you want to do, yes.

I shouldn't worry too much, Abbey .... there are bound to be some nice guys coming into the Charity shop looking for blue jeans, t-shirts, etc.  Face-to-face meetings then?

It's a pity that you can't meet people maybe at work or at a club or through friends instead of online

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Who knows it may happen.

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