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Musing On The Future Of 'Our Tommee' This Morning...

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sandyRoe | 17:21 Thu 12th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

... I began to wonder if he has the courage to seize the moment.

I've said it before and it's worth repeating, if he was to end his exile by disembarking at one of the channel ports and begin a march on London tens of thousands would join the ranks.
He'd be a latter day Wat Tyler, but more successful.  
Parliamentarians would run for their lives, as would the mandarins around Whitehall.
The King(god bless him) would summon Tommee for an audience and offer him the keys to Number 10.
A bit of courage from Tommee now and our world would be changed for the better.
I pray that he will seize the moment.



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I'd rather meet Larry from Downing Street than the King.
18:02 Thu 12th Sep 2024

Who is Tommee?

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Stephen Waxy-Lemon.

Also known as Tommy Robinson 

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No.  Just whiling away a while with a stray thought.

A complete fraud.


Apparently Robbo made a film that said he was quite a nice bloke, not a thug or an agitator. So it must be true.


If all went to plan, it wouldn't be the keys to No. 10 that resulted from a meeting with the king. Such meetings rarely go well.

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When Tyler met the king it didn't go well for him.

Hung, drawn, and quartered, I believe.

He certainly lost his head. Maybe most would.

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I've heard their majesties have a talent for putting common people at their ease.

Tyler would probably have been dispatched before he realised the danger he was in.

I'd rather meet Larry from Downing Street than the King.

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