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Removing Every Thing From An Old Xp Computer

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BUDDY HOLLY | 11:26 Sun 15th Sep 2024 | Technology
10 Answers

I have an old XP computer which I want to get rid of, how do I remove every thing from the hard disc



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Take out the Hard Drive and drill through it. Then take to the tip with your old PC.

There are, or were last time I checked, free progs that'd overwrite the whole disk with many passes. Try a websearch. Saves the vandalism effort.

DiskGenius is free software that thoroughly wipes a computer's internal hard drive, including OS.

yep what JTH said. Failing that format it.

Believe it or not even after the hard drive is erased, there is software which can undelete things from your hard drive. 


One such software is called exactly that unerase. 


I was working on a computer for someone because they wanted so family photos that where deleted by mistake restored. So I used unerase and recovered all sorts, bank documents all sorts, so drilling it really is the best option. 

^ unless you want to sell the computer

Depends. Format doesn't destroy the data but hides it. Many passes of writing random stuff should get rid of whatever was there previously.

12:49, yes but there is an option that does actrually splat it it's the one that takes longer. Though in all fairness I tend to cut the thing in two with a chop saw.

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Thanks everyone.

his is the grand daddy of erazer programs

Why not just re-format the hard disk?

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Removing Every Thing From An Old Xp Computer

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