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Why Do I Always Feel Tired After Eating?

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renegadefm | 01:20 Tue 17th Sep 2024 | Body & Soul
7 Answers

Not sure if its common, but I tend to feel tired after having a meal. All I want to do is sleep. 


Why does eating do that to your body? 



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It's called 'postprandial somnolence'.Explained here 
01:25 Tue 17th Sep 2024

It's called 'postprandial somnolence'.

Explained here


What sort of food do you eat? Do you feel full after eating?

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I don't tend to have large portions anyway. I eat all sorts really, roasts, veg, normally sandwiches at work. It doesn't seem to matter what I eat, I just instantly lose my energy. 

If I know I got to drive for more than an hour or so, I make sure I don't eat before because I have experienced where I am fighting to stay awake, and thats very dangerous. 


Its nothing new I've always been lile it, but it seems worse since I hit 50 which was 5 years ago now. 

I used to get like that when I was very overweight, ate a lot of bread, fatty food and sugar and never really gave my stomach a rest.

It doesn't happen since I started eating smaller meals three times a day, no snacking, no food after dinner (between 5 and 6pm usually), no sugar at all. 

I stop eating when I am no longer hungry, not full.

Feeling tired after eating can be a symptom of type 2 diabetes so it's worth getting that checked out.


Not sure if its common, but I tend to feel tired after having a meal. All I want to do is sleep.

very commmon - have  a little  rester in the afternoon - I dont because I wont sleep at night

My mudda used to  have to do all her uni revision starting at 2 am because of this

I believe this is because you are eating something that your body doesn't really like – probably gluten. If you have a few days where you don't eat bread/potatoes/rice, pasta, meat and vegetables, and see if anything changes.

I remember some 60 years ago of somebody telling me about an experiment carried out on mice. They inserted a balloon into their stomach; when they blew it up the mouse fell asleep. It's clearly nature's way of telling you the best way to digest your food.

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