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Flashing Table Lamp?

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Henry1865 | 18:35 Fri 27th Sep 2024 | Technology
5 Answers

Out of the corner of my eye, occsaionally I seem to see my flourescent table lamp flash momentarily. It is switched off but plugged into the live mains. As I never see this flashing from any of the other many items in my living room, can I assume that electricity really does discharge through the 'bulb'?




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Are you sure it's from the lamp?

I noticed some flashing in my peripheral vision, and the optician said it was posterior vitreous detachment.

Have you any led lights in the house?


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Hopkirk, I tried to word my question so as to indicate uncertainty. Could be my eyesight - which os to be checked soon.

Netherfield. I have several LED lights, one in the same room.

Unplugging it may give a clue whether it, or something else, is the cause.

If it is posterior vitreous detachment, it's not as disastrous as it sounds. It's one of the effects of aging.

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Flashing Table Lamp?

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