Are There Any Isps That Use Virgins Wires? in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Are There Any Isps That Use Virgins Wires?

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joko | 04:12 Mon 30th Sep 2024 | Technology
8 Answers

I utterly hate Virgin with a passion.

So, does anyone know if there are any other ISPs that I could switch to - but they use Virgins broadband wires etc?
I want to use the same exterior wires/cables, connections, maybe even the box so i dont have to have someone in to install a new box, & drill through the walls for wires etc.

I dont mind installing my own box etc to the connections already there, if thats possible.
I mean the white cable box on the wall, not the Tivo etc

i did that with a new virgin/telewest one, uninstalled the old & installed the new stuff.

There must be one, theres so many new ones these days

I recall other companies being able to use BTs old wiring etc.

Thanks :)



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There is no reason why a new supplier couldn't use your existing holes, though.

I don't know if you are aware but since last week it is much easier to move from Virgin. Just sign up with the new supplier and they inform Virgin and everything should happen on the same day so you are not without a service nor paying for two.  It's called the Oe ne Touch Switch Service.

Just make sure you are out of contract with Virgin otherwise it could be expensive 


No, they use the old nynex network, different system to everything else. Just get City Fibre.

I share your opinion of Virgin, they're the pits IME.

I have had very few problems with Virgin since they took over my supply from Telewest 20 years ago. I'm stuck with them as I won't surrender the 360 boxes

never had a problem and we have been with them since blue yonder,,but i don't have the tv package,don't have or want a t.v

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ive been with them since telewest too, & been fairly happy with them up until a few years ago, long story but im absolutely furious with them now, the levels of bullsh!t & incompetence makes my blood boil.

im probably going to go to the ombudsmen now, ive had enough.

That's what the Ombudsman is for, good luck.

Are you still in contract?

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