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Any Facebook Experts On Here!??

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Smowball | 11:07 Mon 07th Oct 2024 | Technology
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Now I'm on FB a lot - but for work really. I have a FB group which I post daily articles on sales, latest products etc etc, and I obviously have my own personal FB account, where I never actually post anything personal, but just funny things I've seen, GIF's etc.....

It was only recently that I went to post a GIF in my 'work' group that I realised I couldn't - the option simply isn't there. So I looked at my personal account and when you click to 'add to your post'  it gives you the option to post a video/ photo/ GIF etc..... but this simply isn't there on my work group-  the GIF and video symbols/ options are completely missing.

Ive spoken to a couple of friends and they're baffled - cannot see why. I've gone thru every setting and just can't see anything to add them. Any bright ideas??

Or am I missing something blindingly obvious?



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