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Police Federation Suspends Met Chair

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fender62 | 14:56 Thu 10th Oct 2024 | News
14 Answers

is this one rule for ethnics and another for the white majority.
if your a person of colour you will not be investigated as officers would rather not for fear of being called racist or an islamophobe.. what is happening to this country.



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What is happening? We have been infected by neo fascism.

They still haven't charged the thugs that attcked the police at the airport the other month. We are basically surrendering to Islam.

I'm not surprised:

I'm sure I heard on the radio the other day that Reform are bringing a private prosecution against the Manchester Airport thugs.

I read that DD.

Is the suspension a precautionary measure?

What has ethnicity to do with this?

It's in the link, sandyRoe.

Perhaps the federation were so surprised to find a copper who tells the truth in their midst, they thought it best to silence him before any more found their consciences. 

sandy: "What has ethnicity to do with this?"

what part of "if your a person of colour you will not be investigated" - is confusing you?

Isn't that due to misapprehension on the part of some police officers rather thàn any official policy?

It's years worth of backlog which have built up and are finally becoming noticeable.

You all know that I lived and worked in and around Bradford and Halifax. There were so many instances of anti-white/Christian/British events that were hushed up or'disappeared'. 

I'm not referring to what was told to me, but to things which I witnessed.  Events that, had they been committed by white natives, would have resulted in arrests and 'due process of law'. This was over 20 years or so ago.

This country has become scared and unsure of its culture and natural rules. We have lost so much through ignorant and inept 'understanding other cultures'.

Suddenly we had 'Communities' instead of one national community - fragmentation started. There is tolerance, of course, but Rules were bent. We see the result of mistaken policies.  

Jourdain. 20.38 ..Spot on.

he was suspended from his union post and not his job - this hasnt escaped anyone has it 

I heard on the radio the other day that Reform are bringing a private prosecution against the Manchester Airport thugs.

no - the fluffies on the Beeb said that BUT they wd try to bring a private prosecution if the CPS werent up to the job.

But fluffy know no law - they have to get the DPPs permission, and he can take over a case and terminate it ( as happened with one of stephen laurence cases)

so as we know so well, it was Farage bluster swallowed hook like and sinker as usual by the far right

interesting link Sandz

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