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V5 Log Book

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jess131 | 11:00 Tue 15th Oct 2024 | Motoring
7 Answers

My friend moved out of the family home and his ex is now not giving him his post (she has changed the locks on the home they own jointly). His remi nder for car tax goes to that house and she is refusing to give it him. His V5 is also there. He has been abke to tax his car by phoning to ask for a new V5. Unfortunatley this will go to the home address. How can he request a new V5 with his new address on? Thank you



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He could put a redirection with Royal Mail on his post only (his name).

Good answer from DDIL, I've read through the website at, they'll only send a new one to the address on the original, obviously to stop someone stealing a car and then changing details to suit them.  Although it does state that the name on the v5 does not show proof of ownership.

Although I think to redirect mail a letter has to be sent to the address to confirm the change, I had to do it both for Dad and Mum in law. Seems like a no win situation.

I wonder why the ex is being so obstreperous🙄

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Thanks, I was looking at a V62 form, it asks why you can't produce the original. I wonder if its worth doing that? If not he will have to do the redirection.

he should probably do the redirection anyway - who knows what else he'll miss?

He can do the redirection and yes it goes to his old address so his ex will still see it - but if she objects that means she is opening post meant for him.

She would have to contact Royal mail and give them a reason why she does not want to have HIS mail redirected

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