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No, he isn't ...

I didn't think he was well enough the first time round. 

BSE from all the burgers he inhales?

I don't know how reliable Salon is as a source, but it does sound as though he's suffering mental decline, and certainly shouldn't be consider as POTUS potential.

well they have Biden - hur hur hur

and anyway do you need a president who is compus mentis ? ( use of Latin - ancient forrin - obvious trolling there) - Nixon 1970-3 spent up to 95% of his time discussing watergate and how to get out of it - and the country ( The US that is!) wasnt badly governed

Churchill was ga-ga in his second admin

Can't see the problem.

Barring vote rigging he is going to be the next President.

and Doug anyone who knows a dement will be aware that rapid progression is NOT a a common sign

He's unfit for office in every way possible.

Scroll to 12:48 for a shot of Bizzaroworld. I know it's the BBC and not Yahoo, Canary, but try it, you might like it.

Thanks douglas, that was weird. Perhaps he has aspirations to become a DJ 😀

It doesn't have to be a common sign, Peter, it just has to be possible.

Yes . no . for us mortals it has a long long depressing course

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