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Removal Of Mcafee Constant Pop Ups

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SparklyKid | 11:00 Fri 18th Oct 2024 | Technology
3 Answers

on wifes laptop.  how do i get rid please ?



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Click on the windows key bottom left on the keyboard. In the pop up menu click on cog wheel/settings. In the next menu click on System. Then click on Notifications and Actions. In the right pane scroll down to "Get notifications from these apps" and switch off the toggle next to the Mcafee app. Better still uninstall the nuisance. It is unnecesary bloatware.  

Also be wary of MCafee pop ups that claim that your computer is infected with a virus. THESE ARE FAKE. You therefor need to actually have the MCafee app already installed to be receiving genuine "remonders".  If you do not alreadyy have Mcafee then the problem is a little more than turning off the toggle or uninstalling it. 

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Removal Of Mcafee Constant Pop Ups

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