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Did You Ever Meet Someone And They Say:

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sandyRoe | 11:50 Wed 23rd Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

'You're looking

well ', and you ask yourself what must I look like to prompt that?





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It's a reasonable greeting, why would it reflect on ones self?

... or, "are you not feeling well?" when you think that you look reasonably healthy.

'You're looking well' seems like a compliment.

'You're looking...well...' is another story.

Before I had my ptosis sorted out people often told me I looked tired.

That was tiresome 

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I'm aware now that I'm not looking that well, hobbling about on a walking stick.  

But maybe it's just a friendly greeting.

Reminds me of Steve McQueen in "Papillon" where the solitary prisoners starved near to death stick their heads out for a hair cut & ask "How do I look?" - reply "You look fine." !!!!!

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