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Whickerman | 11:37 Mon 13th Mar 2006 | Technology
5 Answers
Is the itunes site only for ipod users, or can teh music be downloaded onto a disc, into mediaplayer, as mp3 etc?


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Anybody can use it. However I believe the format of the downloaded tracks is AAC so you would need to convert them into MP3 if you wanted mp3's.

Personally I'd recommend Napster over iTunes.
iTunes the program can be used by anyone, with any device, to organise their music collection. But it works best with an iPod.

The iTunes Music Store should _not_ be used. By anyone. The files are in a protected format, that stops you from using them the way you want to. The same goes for napster, etc. Stick to CDs for now (the ones that don't suffer from the same copy protection stuff).
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Thanks guys. Unfortunately one of my fave bands has decided to release an ep on itunes only. But if there'sa possibility I couldn't copy it to cd or whatever, I won't bother.
you can copy it onto a CD, yes. make sure you burn it as an audio CD, then you can do whatever you want with it.

but i still wouldn't buy it. why are you paying for something that isn't even great quality, when it costs about the same as a CD? (for an album I mean, maybe not for your case)
I have just worked out how to copy songs you have bought on itunes to CD!
Choose Edit > Preferences, then click the Burning tab at the top of the window.
Choose Audio CD as the Disc Format.
To have all the songs on the CD play at the same volume level, select the Sound Check checkbox.
Click OK.
Select the playlist containing the songs you want to burn to the CD, and make sure all the songs you want to include on the CD have a checkmark beside them.

You can only burn a CD from the songs in an iTunes playlist (you cannot use a playlist on your iPod), and only checked songs are included. For instructions on creating a playlist, search help for "creating lists of songs."

Click the Burn Disc button in the upper-right corner of the iTunes window.
Insert a blank CD-R disc and click Burn Disc again.

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