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Windows Messenger

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flirty41 | 07:44 Tue 14th Jan 2003 | Technology
6 Answers
In the 'sign-in' window on Messenger there is a 'drop-down' box (above the box where the password is entered) which automatically shows the e-mail address(es) of the people who use it. Is there any way to clear this box of the address(es) permanently, so that it has to be typed in each time you want to use Messenger? Thanks very much!
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hhhmmm sorry i don't think there is flirty....unless some of the more advanced types out there know how to stop the computer remembering this i think it's just another case of microsoft playing nanny and being a pain in the proverbial. Though you can of course stop the computer remembering the passwords.....
Make the box appear, HOVER (don't click) on the one you want to disappear, and click delete. YOu will need to do each one individually
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Thanks 5029. That works, to a degree. Although when I click on the arrow of the drop down box the addresses are still there and if I move the mouse over them they are just highlighted in blue and I can't do anything with them, and if I close the sign in window and then re-open it the addresses come back too! Or am I missing something? Annoying or what!
Not an answer to your question..... but you may be interested as a MSN Messenger user! There is a brilliant add-on for Messenger called Messenger Plus - I've been using it for over a year now, and the latest version is now out (beta).
It lets you log messages and events, assign different sounds to different users (when they log in), remove the MS adverts and loads more!
Have a look at http://www.patchou.com/msgplus/ (but it has been down recently because loads of people are hitting the site - keep trying or search for Messenger Plus Forum and you can find a download mirror there)
When they are highlighted in blue, hit the delete button (beside the End button, not the backspace button). This should work
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Sorry 5029, they just won't go! It seems I'll have to put up with it, unless anyone else has any suggestions. And Cupra, thanks for the info - I'll check it out. Thanks for your help people!

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