I am trying to burn a CD but for some reason when I try to use the finished article in my car it doesnt work. I have used the same sort of disks and the same recorder before and they have worked but recently they havent.
Can someone please help? By the way before someone gets on their soap box I am burning tracks that I have bought for my own use and am not infringing copyright.
have you used burnt cds in your car before? some players wont read them.
if you've yused same cds and same recorder and they wont play in a player that they used to, the only thing I can think ofis your CD burner is burnt out.
ugly_bob is correct, this can be the only logical answer considering the only factor to have changed is wear on your equipment through time (assuming you are not experiencing the onset of dementia and forgotten how to make it work!).
You should gently open the drawer to your CD burner (taking care to ensure adequate ventillation) and liberally expell any ash with a high pressure air line. Carefully scrape away any hardened carbon deposits and finish with a cotton swab daubed with an ethenol free solvent. Re-conditioning your CD burner in this fashion should allow for many years trouble free incinerations.
Thanks for the answers ladies and gents but just to clarify, I have used the same batch of disks in the same car stereo before. I am recording audio format and am recording at 4x!
Yes to all the above, it CAN play 'copies', it still DOES play the other older versions etc, etc. I think I may have sorted the problem now. The iTunes program had changed the speed of the write even though I had set other options to 4x. Thanks again.