Why do i have little grey exclaimation marks next to loads of songs in my i-tunes library?? It is driving me mad coz it won't allow me to play those songs through my computer and says something about 'the original file cannot be found would you like to locate it'? But then I don't know how to do that and why should I have to find it when it was already there? I haven't done anything in particular as they are completely random songs that have them. Any help would be great thanks.
It drives me crazy too! It's just a really annoying flaw in iTunes. I think it happens because you delete the music from its original location (e.g. from your 'My Music folder') and then the name still appears because it 'remembers' the song but can't play it bcos the information isn't there? If it's not this then i'm not sure, sorry!
what i do is always burn the tune i want onto a cd-rw disc then when burnt import it back to i-tunes library then when i delete from files.my music etc it will show up as grey mark i delete this copy i still have my burn t/imported copy then i erase from cd-rw disc via my computer ready to start again seems complicated but very simple really